Sept. 3, 2023

156. Otum Potum (Serbian for)...

156. Otum Potum (Serbian for)...
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100 Ways

We'll cross that bridge when we get there. It'll happen when it happens. You'll know when you know. Hold your horses. Or just, Otum Potum! Use this phrase to feel better about life, the universe -- everything. ;)

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Welcome to 100 Ways. This is your daily exploration of Self and Soul. I'm your host and fellow explorer, Laura Christine, let's dive in and find our way home. I have a friend whose name is Ali Vera. You've heard from her. She was born in the country that was Yugoslavia and speak Serbian. Well, she speaks English. And some Serbian. She has taught me a few phrases. is one of those phrases. Autumn. It means. Basically it will get there when we get there. Just. Relax. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, we'll solve that problem when it's actually a problem to solve. Autumn bottom. I love it. I love this phrase. I say it all the time. I'm reminded of it because on my way to Keene New Hampshire the other week, Of course, I passed through Brattleboro and stopped. In Brattleboro, Vermont. Uh, town that I've come to love in the probably. Three hours total. But I've been in it. That's how it happens though, when you know, you know, I was on my way to keen for training. And. I was stuck behind somebody going very slowly. Literally had the thoughts rise into my head. I'll get there when I get there. I'm in no rush. Oh, this is beautiful. I love my life. What a great life. These are thoughts that literally popped into my head on a random Tuesday. Deriving on a. Road, maybe it was. I think it was a highway. Nine. Through Vermont. Random thoughts. Bubbling up. From my subconscious. Wow. My life is awesome. I love my life. I love myself. What a great day. Imagine if those were the thoughts. Underlying your life, underline the lives of those you work with. Play with hangout with. Typically, we don't talk to ourselves with this kind of language. And it dawned on me when I had those thoughts that I have done a shit ton of inner work. I've done a lot to have that be my base vibration. Ken. what would happen? How can we, what can we do? What can we do to make. This. Life affirming. Language B. What bubbles up from our home. Vibration from our. Subconscious. What. Would it take. Maybe a little bit more of A little bit more of. Here I am right now. Yes. That issue has arisen. However, it's only a risen in my thoughts. It's not an actual thing that I have to address right now. And what is here and present right now. And is it worth my energy? What is here, what is now? Is it worth my energy. We can always switch gears. Thank you so much for listening to 100 ways. I appreciate you with everything that I am. Go to buy me a 1 0, 0 ways. To keep me going, keep the show going. Keep yourself uplifted daily with these episodes. And until next time. Where I start to talk about my journey again. Visiting a cousin and talking with Tom who had my car for awhile in Hawaii before I left or after I left. Until then until next time I'm sending you all the love and then somewhere. We'll talk tomorrow. Thank you for exploring with me today. I would love to continue this conversation with you. We can do that at Laura Christine, us. You'll find contact in the menu, or you can go to Laura Christine us slash contact, and you'll be taken right to it. Let's dive in a little deeper and see how fully we can flow with the duh.