Sept. 12, 2023

165. Prove to Yourself Who You Are

165. Prove to Yourself Who You Are
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100 Ways

Reaching goals requires us to act in congruence with those goals. If your goal is to be Home in yourself... then create a ritual that shows you that you're home in yourself.

Create a ritual that proves you are who you are.

What's your ritual? I'll love to hear!

Episode mentioned: 88:

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Welcome to 100 Ways. This is your daily exploration of Self and Soul. I'm your host and fellow explorer, Laura Christine, let's dive in and find our way home. I went to a taro circle today. I've talked about the place it's called Wild soul river in Williamstown, Massachusetts. One of the women said something that I want to share with you it ties to episode 88. Where my friend, Jeremy grater wrote in about how to be confident. And it's a lot more about proving to yourself who you are than it is about yelling affirmations in the mirror. So to achieve goals and to reach that confidence. You need to prove to yourself that you are, who you say you are. This woman in the taro circle. Literally said. Create a ritual that proves to yourself that you are who you are. That proves to yourself that you are, who you say you are. What ritual. Can you put into place? And commit to. That will prove to you. That you are, who you say you are. I'm going to leave it at that today, because I know that you already have the answer. You know what the spiritual is or can be if you don't know what that ritual is. Feel free to book a reading because we can definitely workshop that for you and you will have a ritual. To do. For yourself. I highly recommend doing this daily. Weekly at the minimum. Create a ritual that proves to yourself. That you are, who you are. Go to buy me a 1 0, 0 ways to either book yourself or reading or support the show to keep it going. Let me know what ritual you're going to start, or that you have already in place that proves to you that you are, who you say you are. Until next time I am sending all the love and then somewhere. We'll talk tomorrow. Thank you for exploring with me today. I would love to continue this conversation with you. We can do that at Laura Christine, us. You'll find contact in the menu, or you can go to Laura Christine us slash contact, and you'll be taken right to it. Let's dive in a little deeper and see how fully we can flow with the duh.