"Never Apologize," he said to me. I believe there's a time for an apology, but it's rare. What do you think? Please share your thoughts with me at www.laurachristine.us/contact
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Welcome to 100 Ways. This is your daily exploration of self and soul. I'm your host and fellow explorer, Laura Christine. Let's dive in and find our way home. I made a mistake at work recently and apologized for it. I said the words, I'm sorry. And Uh, mail on my leadership team. Who'd been with the company for a long time and it is awesome. Said, never apologize. When. Is the right time for us to apologize. Is there a right time for us to apologize? We're so conditioned, especially women to say, I'm sorry for basically anything I exist. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm in your way. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't cook that correctly. Oh, I'm sorry. Oh, the house is a little bit messy. I'm sorry. No. Oh my God. I'm a human. Oh, I'm sorry. No, stop. Just stop. Just like the fire. Doesn't say, I'm sorry for burning. You. And just like no one owes you an apology. Neither. Do you owe anyone an apology? That said. I believe. That when we truly feel. Uh, kind of remorse. Or we truly. Did some thing. Consciously or not. That affected somebody else in a way we don't wish to have affected them. It's okay. To apologize in that circumstance. Going back to yesterday's episode. If someone doesn't say, I'm sorry to you. It means. The way they acted. It was simply their very nature. Just like fire. Won't apologize for burning. You. If someone hurt you and doesn't feel sorry for it. They don't have a consciousness about the fact that the way that they treated you or talk to you or did something hurt you? It's because that is just their nature. It's like, they're the fire. It's just the way it is. And when you interact with the fire in a certain way, you're going to get burned. When you interact with this person in a certain way, you're going to get burned. They don't even have any idea. That what they're doing. Is hurtful. Or painful. Or harmful. So they're not going to say, sorry for it because there's no reason for them in their mind to say, sorry. That's that humans are more complex, I would say than fire. And sometimes we do things purposely or not. That hurt another person that we care about and we do feel bad. And we do want to say, I'm sorry. I did not mean. To hurt you in that way. That is not. Just me being my. Nature. It's not just simply the characteristic. That I contain within myself. This is something that I actually. Want to take back. Wish I could take back. It's not who I am. We can say, sorry for things like that. That's my opinion. What do you think. I'd love to hear your thoughts. Go to Laura, christine.us/contact. And let me know. Are you on apologizer and over apologizer or do you use it sparingly? And when it is truly going to make you feel better? Because you hurt someone else. Inadvertently. Or purposefully. And it feels gross inside. So you want to make amends. That's when we apologize. And making a man's is not just saying I'm sorry, but actually. Then moving forward differently. With that person. I think I have a lot more to say about saying, I'm sorry. Maybe. I'll touch back on it. Another time. Go to buy me a coffee.com/ 1 0, 0 ways to book a reading and to keep this show going. Until next time I'm sending all the love and then some more. We'll talk tomorrow Thank you for exploring with me today. I would love to continue this conversation with you. We can do that at laurachristine. us. You'll find contact in the menu or you can go to laurachristine. us slash contact and you'll be taken right to it. Let's dive in a little deeper and see how fully we can flow with the duh.