Oct. 11, 2023

194. {Rune Series 10} Nauthiz - Need-Fire

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100 Ways

What is a Need-Fire? Why is this the highest manifestation rune? Maybe because it's so darn truthful. It doesn't let you NOT see what is right in front of you. Learn what Nauthiz means in this episode. Apply the wisdom to your life and it will flow with much greater ease!

"Everything is right the way it is right now," is a quote by Jared, who texted that to me one night.
Music by Oleksii Kaplunskyi from Pixabay

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Welcome to another Odin stay Wednesday, where I tell you about a rune. The next room in the series of the elder Fouth Ark is now this. I'm taking a short one day. Pause from my conversation with Sam, where we talked about. Love logic, authenticity relationship advice. Why? The two of us who are 40 something and very single are. Very good at giving relationship advice or at least why we're a bit mind blown. That our friends think so. And we're going to talk about the rune. Now this today. Now, this means. Need fire. So let's, uh, let's just dive into the fire here. Day one. Move with the friction to smooth it out. No resisting. Uh, let the fire start in. You. Let the fire start. What fire wants to start in. You. Contemplate that one for a minute. Or a while. The number two. Now this is a determination and a command, even a demand. The energy is powerful. Uh, need is recognized. That need will be met. After a crisis, which last week. I talked about hug lost, and this was the next room in the sequence after hall gloss, which means hail. And it's a crisis. Anyways. After a crisis, new strength is found. We talked about that last week. The number three. Determination arises from a sense of crisis. If all is well, what does one care to do or change? This is how we keep expanding. Crisis is as much a part of the cycle as peace. The more angles you choose to explore and from which to view any situation, the more apt you are to flow in crisis. And in times of peace. For some. Times of peace. Are the crises. We all know some of those people. Day number four. Necessity as fire. I will consume you. Or cook your food. Let need be nourishment, not cause bitterment. There's a need. There is friction. Do not get caught in the flames. Rather set your sights on what is to come of it. And look at the flames a little bit, because they're fairly pretty. Day number five. The need for protection from evil sources, negative people and energy is present. When one has not come to terms with those energies within oneself. A need for something is recognized as a separation. I am this, not that therefore, I need it. I am hungry, not fed. Therefore I need feeding. Some needs are healthy. Many are not mind what you believe you need. Question everything. Who. Needs what. And let's take that inside. Not who out there needs what out there, but who. Needs what within myself. Who was the one actually needing. Do I actually need. And do I actually need what I think I need. Possibly. Just get really clear about it. Day number six, the way forward is through. Through was the way forward. You feel stuck because you don't see what this friction is creating. It is unnecessary friction. Friction is what creates. Day number seven. If there is a need. It will make itself known. Manufactured needs become as real, as real needs. So be mindful about what you're making up. Be mindful about what you're making up. This goes back to my discussion with Sam on. Taking full responsibility for your life and realizing that you actually are in the driver's seat. That you are the artist of your life that you are creating. Everything. That you're experiencing and. Ooh. That means that no, one's a victim. The number eight. Lots of thoughts, lots of thoughts. I had a lot of thoughts that day. During my meditation. But one thing came through and that is, there is no life without friction. I mean, that's true. And so many ways. Day number nine. Embrace the need. Let it stoke a passion, fire and burn with it. But do not get burned up in it. Let the fire do its job. No the need. Noticed on. Go about your day. I'd love to hear thoughts about now this, I love this rune. It is the highest manifestation room. And it's been coming up for me a bit these days. I don't yet know why. But I'm excited to find out. What is this need fire that is being stoked in my life right now. Ooh, it's exciting. Book yourself, a reading. Uh, buy me a coffee.com/ 1 0 0 ways. You can also do any kind of coaching session I can pull in from the taro. I can use your numerology to get clarity on so many different aspects. Of your life. If you have a question about anything, you do have the answer and I'm here to reflect it back to you. Until next time I'm sending all the love and then some more. We'll talk tomorrow.