Oct. 14, 2023

197. How to Be Helpful--SIMPLY {Hafiz}

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100 Ways

The Simple Chat - by Hafiz
A burning coal against the flesh--who
has not felt this, from news that reached you,

or the shock to your nerves from bearing
eyewitness to horrific events?

The avalanches come, we should help dig
each other out.

The simple chat will return. May it last long,
and be realized as precious.

Hear my thoughts on this poem, and please share yours!

"Everything is right the way it is right now," is a quote by Jared, who texted that to me one night.
Music by Oleksii Kaplunskyi from Pixabay

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I feel like we overthink being hopeful so often. And. It really takes almost nothing. well, I say almost nothing. But then I think about it for a second or a split second and think, well, actually being fully present with somebody. Is challenging, especially when we're not able to be fully present with ourselves, because I think that's a prerequisite. But I was reading this Hafiz poem. And wanted to share it with you because it is the way that we can start to be really, really, really helpful for each other. And it's very simple. The poem is called the simple chat. Uh, burning coal against the flesh. Who has not felt this from news that reached you. Or the shock to your nerves from bearing eyewitness to horrific events. the avalanches calm. We should help dig each other out. The simple chat will return. May it last long. And be realized. As precious. I acknowledge. That you see somebody acknowledged that you hear somebody acknowledged that you want to see or hear somebody. Let them know that you're here. And you're here to help take them out. Even if you don't see it in those direct terms, even if you have no idea what avalanche has come into their life. Being there. We'll help. Dig them out. Especially. If you're fully present with yourself. cause then there's no way. You can. Get out of presence when you're with. Another. And that will help them come into presence with themselves. It's a really beautiful cycle. May it last long and be realized. As precious. Let me know your thoughts about this one. It's again, it's by Hafiz. And I think that while it's very simple, it's not always easy. To be there. Fully. For somebody because we're not there fully with ourselves. First priority. Come on home. From there. You won't have any question. About how to help. Go to buy me a coffee.com/ 1 0, 0 ways to support the show or book yourself a session with me. And until next time I'm sending all the love. And then some more. We'll talk tomorrow.