Oct. 22, 2023

205. Birthday Wish (or something) {Hafiz}

205. Birthday Wish (or something) {Hafiz}
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100 Ways

You can actually perpetually fall in love and live in love, just so you know. Here's what I'd like for my birthday. Sigh and Giggle for two days with my lover - as well as grow old and single together. Why not?

This is a poem by Hafiz, by the way, not me.

"Everything is right the way it is right now," is a quote by Jared, who texted that to me one night.
Music by Oleksii Kaplunskyi from Pixabay

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If you really want to know what I want for my birthday. I just want to be alive. If I meant to be alive, I just want to beat, I don't care. What do you mean? What do I want for my birthday? Who cares? I just want to be. And like live or experience, whatever I'm meant to experience. I don't know. Anyways, um, One day, I read this poem and I'm like, oh, that's who that's who my lover is. But the thing is, it's kind of like people get so worked up on words and ideas and concepts and like, Things have to be a certain way or because you want this thing, it means you're this way. And it's like, no, I just want on sign giggle for a couple of days in bed. One day, one time. Not every time, not every weekend, just sometimes. I would get so fucking bored. If all I did was sign giggle all the time. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh, and then I was thinking about this. Partnership it's yeah, of course. I'm on it. I think everybody kind of does in a way, but it's like, I want to meet somebody who will be like my perpetual. Boyfriend somebody that I can fall just absolutely. Just madly in love with which. It's not hard for me. But also. Like. Wants to do the same, but then not get all caught up and like, oh, all these emotions and all these hormones, like, no, we're just going to experience this thing. And then continue to experience it because it never has to go away. You can actually live perpetually in love and falling in love, just so you know. So anyways, I want to do that. And then also though, I wanna like. Grow. Old and single together. If that makes any sense at all whatsoever. It doesn't mind mind. So if you're out there listening and you're like, oh, that's what I want. Let's have some tea or something sometime. Alright. Here's my poem. Let me know how you feel about this. It's called, um, science giggle. I think. Here it goes. When was the last time you wallowed in contentment, maybe lay in bed for two days, just making your lover Sy and giggle. And she, and you talked to silliness for hours and joked at the sweet insignificance of most all stuff. Cuddle up with the stars more. You'll be able to do that. If you can start treating every human being as a sacred cow. And keep a few of my poems handy. Okay, but do you see what I mean by that? It's like, How can you talk about the sweet insignificance of the most all stuff? If like yesterday? The poem was talking about. We take life so freaking seriously all the time. And like, can we actually cuddle up to the stars? Of course we can. We're made of stars. I am a fucking star. You're a star. We're all stars. You can cuddle up to stars to. And then what about. Treating every human being as a sacred cow. Can we actually do that? And if you do that, aren't you just perpetually in a state of love. I mean, I think so. So for my birthday, there's your. I want every day to be like this, not me laying in bed for two days, sighing and giggling. All the time. But just to have that. Possibility with someone who's on the level. So fucking much that we both get it. To the seam ish degree only God. That would be fucking fantastic. Until then, I mean, I'm going to keep on living Scion, giggling. Cuddling up with the stars and treating humans like sacred cows. I'm not going to like milk them or anything. But, you know, I'll look at them with reverence. Anyhow. I hope that you have the best. Day. Ever on this, my birthday. And that you have somebody with whom. You can sign and giggle and talk about the suite. Insignificance of most all stuff. Yeah. That's it. Go to buy me a coffee.com/ 1 0, 0 ways to buy me a chai for my birthday. Thank you so much. And until next time I'm sending all the love and then some more. We'll talk tomorrow oh i'm 41, by the way