Oct. 24, 2023

206. Black Magic {Lyrics}

206. Black Magic {Lyrics}
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100 Ways

Love is nothing more than black magic, according to Ruston Kelly in his song, "Black Magic." I hope you listen: https://open.spotify.com/track/3ggMZIesAXuDfyKDtwNZFM?si=b417d11ddeb04520

I also contemplate Halloween a little bit.

"Everything is right the way it is right now," is a quote by Jared, who texted that to me one night.
Music by Oleksii Kaplunskyi from Pixabay

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I fallen in love with another song called black magic. It's by a Rustin Kelly. And it's on his album. Halloween Halloween is very close. So I thought it would be kind of fun to do an episode on this And what I was thinking about Halloween and what it really is, which is a celebration of the sending of the veils between worlds between this material world and the spiritual world. Or where our ancestors go when we die. Well, okay. Not when our ancestors go when we die, but where our ancestors go when they die. Where we go when we die, I suppose. And I'm. Like, why do we do it? at the end of October. And then I started to think for a second. And it made all the sense because it's fall. And we. At least in the Northern hemisphere it's fall. And the earth is. Preparing itself. To transition into the dead. Time, winter. So. Yeah, it does actually make a lot of sense. That we would celebrate. Death. At this time. And I wonder if the veils got thinner. Right now because of the way the earth is moving into its own death. You season or because we celebrate as a collective so much. That so many people. Are connecting with the other side. That it then becomes more possible for everyone. K. That's a huge tangent from the song because I really do want to share the song. It's amazing. Usually when we think about wishing for things, the phrase we hear is be careful what you wish for. Be careful what you wish for, like, it comes with a frickin warning. And it's like, well, if I desire something, I mean, yes. Good. True. If I desire something, look at why am I desiring this? Because there's going to be a lesson there there's a lesson in everything. So we can look at why am I desiring this and then find out if we actually want it. Or if we think that we're going to be happier for having it. Which is nearly, always the case. That said sometimes you want something because it is. Light and fulfilling and fun and exciting and all the good things. And it's not going to be. Some heavy lesson that you have to learn. You just want something. And the lyrics in this song, even though it is talking about love and how he basically, he got his heartbroken and stuff, but he tells it in such a beautiful way. The lyrics are fantastic. And the music is so uplifting, especially after like the first part. His lyrics are. Love is nothing more than black magic. You better want what you wish for? It might happen. You better want what you wish for? You better want it? Cause it might happen. In fact, you probably will. So. I recall that the taro card for this month was the nine of cups. Wishes fulfilled. What have you been wishing for? You better want it? Here's or might happen. it. Probably well, check that song out. The link is in the show notes and until next time I hope you're having a beautiful day. I hope you want what you wish for. And I hope that if you're not really wishing for something, you just take a moment and wish for something who cares. It's like you can't get it wrong. So wish for something. And see what happens. For it to be fulfilled. See, what kind of surprises and delights the universe has in store for you today? And every day. All right, until next time I'm sending all the love and then some more and all the wishes fulfilled and then smart. We'll talk tomorrow.