How do you learn to trust yourself? How do you get with yourself - on your own team? This is how.
"Everything is right the way it is right now," is a quote by Jared, who texted that to me one night.
Music by Oleksii Kaplunskyi from Pixabay
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Yesterday, Olivera and I were talking about making decisions and how. It's easy, actually. When you get to. The point where it's easy. As opposed to how hard it used to be for us. And she ended up saying, You are with yourself. That was it. You're with yourself. So we're going to talk about how to get. with yourself, how to beat on your own team. And this part of our conversation. I hope you enjoy it. And I hope you pull something from it that benefits you in. So many ways. Thank you so much for being here. Here is the continuation of my conversation about decision-making with olivera
audioLC21153587828:I was asked yesterday, what's the best advice I've ever received? And I said, this is what you told me. You said, Elsie, get your energy out of over there. best advice for life I have ever received. Get your energy out of over there. Pull it back and Get back with yourself. That's what you meant.
audiooliveramilojkovi11153587828:You heard it.
audioLC21153587828:matter. Yep, I heard it the way I needed to, and it really was like, get back with yourself, get home, stop thinking about trying to manipulate the situation, just get home and answer from there.
audiooliveramilojkovi11153587828:Right, all the other places to answer from are really, you know, fear based, they come from a fear base. That's when I say those lower energies. So when we start recognizing that more and more, like where my decision is coming from, but in order to hear that you have to Be quiet. You have to sit for a second and shut up so you can feel and hear and connect to your gut and your heart. And can you feel any fear? Where is it coming from? Where is my yes and no coming from?
audioLC21153587828:Yeah, I will tell you, I have definitely made decisions that were surrounded by, I guess I would say fear, because I think that we're never going to have any time in our lives where there's like literally no fear, but I could be wrong, we'll see. But there is that knowing inside, this is it, even though part of me has that fear stuff going on. The deeper part of me, that is Here, when I'm with myself, and it's neutral, that's the place that knows which way to go, even if the head is going to get scared or the heart's going to get scared.
audiooliveramilojkovi11153587828:Yeah. It's just a matter of just finding it. The first time you find that feeling, you can find it again. And if you find it again, you'll find it again. And it overrides all the other voices.
audioLC21153587828:Yeah. It really starts to, because you start to trust yourself then.
audiooliveramilojkovi11153587828:exactly. That's where we want to get to eventually, however long it takes is trusting your own yes and no and knowing do it regardless. If it's right for you, you do it regardless of what anyone says, or whatever you have in your head, you know, the doubt and the fear and the yada yada.
audioLC21153587828:Absolutely. I can use my job as an example of that. It felt like the lightest path, even though there were questions, even though I was judging myself, kind of, not, not really, but in the past, I mean, even a year ago, I would have a I've been way over thinking the whole thing and not going forward, and even now, I was basically threatened yesterday, or two days ago or something, that pretty soon I'll probably get promoted and they'll have me move to a different store in a different town, and I'm like, ah. One, that's going to be my decision. And also, I'm going to know what is right for me. At the time that I need to know, there's no decision to be made right now. And I know, I trust myself enough now because I've put myself into situations where I didn't know much of the, what was going to happen. And I knew that I wasn't going to know where I was going or who I was seeing or when or blah, blah. But I've. Come to the point in my life where I know that I will know what I need to know the moment I need to know it, so I don't try to know the future anymore, because one, nobody does, so it causes stress. It gets our energy out there, and then we're not with ourselves anymore, and when we're not with ourselves, it's hard to make those decisions in the moment that they need to be made. you know what I mean?
audiooliveramilojkovi11153587828:I know what you mean. Yeah, it's like, well, what if, when, and it is future based, and of course we all have to look into the future or whatnot, but you don't have to look at it now. If you're looking at it now, and then in the next moment, you're looking at it again, and then you're looking at it again. And then after supper, you're already looking at it again. You're in the future and you're not in your now. And how can you be in your body and yourself when you're constantly thinking about, you know, the point is to be as present as possible and make decisions in the present moment. Moment to moment,
audioLC21153587828:Yep. Even the decisions that seem to be about the future,
audioLC21153587828:but how does it feel now? And what is the right quote unquote Right for me thing right now?
audiooliveramilojkovi11153587828:exactly, that's another thing, again, when you get a whiff of how to do that, you'll get better at it.
audiooliveramilojkovi11153587828:Because future is just something that, I don't know, we just do, we think about past and future all the time, and nobody taught us to be right here in the moment more than over there somewhere. So, all of this causes us to not be with ourselves, and then we can't make those decisions easily. I'm trying to think of what else I can think about to say Decisions are, it's such a hot topic for everybody, like how do I know, where do I go, when?
audioLC21153587828:Yep. Doesn't matter. Let's throw that one in there. It doesn't matter.
Uh, it doesn't matter. It is such a liberating phrase. And tomorrow. We're going to talk about how. There are people who get so frazzled and so worked up about things that really in a long run, if you just step back. And look observe. From. Being. Separated from whatever the thing is. Life is so much easier. We ever wish you ease. Oh, yes, absolutely. Until next time olivera and i are sending all the love and then some more we'll talk tomorrow