Oct. 28, 2023

211. How to Not Be Stressed {with Olivera}

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100 Ways

The key to not being stressed is knowing this one thing. If you struggle with stress, keep listening to this show because it's a constant reminder on how to keep your anxiety, worry, nervousness, fear, and any other kind of stress down and out!

"Everything is right the way it is right now," is a quote by Jared, who texted that to me one night.
Music by Oleksii Kaplunskyi from Pixabay

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This is legit. The secret. To not being stressed.


It doesn't, it really doesn't matter. Autumn bottom


What does that mean? That's my favorite. I did


cross that bridge when we get to it and you will literally know you will know when you're supposed to know I, tell my daughter all the time she's like shut up.


Yeah, I know, I hear you. I mean, if you're in your 20s right now, like, God bless you,




get it, you, I mean, again, my work, I have a lot of 20 somethings that work there, and even younger, and even, even some older people, most of the ones who are more anxious,




or get frazzled, Are younger and they're 20s or even younger and it's, it's a process, but one day you kind of start to wake up and realize that everything you've needed to know you've known when you needed to know and not before and you won't.


Maybe that's a, maybe that's good direction for people to say, take a look at your track record as a human being. When did you know that? Like when did you make that decision? Was it three years during supper before you had to make that decision? No.


Good point. Hmm.


You'll know when you know,


where you go.


trust yourself and you go where you go and you'll know it and it's, it'll be right for all the right reasons for you. Perfection. Thank Never need to worry.


Thank you.


You're welcome. You're the best.


You're the best.


You're the best. I try not to talk over you because I do that a lot because I get so excited. I have to calm the fuck down.


I try to not talk over people either, and it doesn't work always.

I had to leave the last part in here because Oliveira said, fuck. And I thought it was so cute. So there you have it. This is not the end. I don't think there ever will be in end with her and me. We'll just keep going and floating through the ethers together as friends, forever and ever, and ever. Uh, tomorrow, I think. Tomorrow is going to be a surprise because at this time I haven't decided if I'm going to share a story with you about. A decision I made the day that we recorded this. Or if I'm going to skip that and move straight into not taking things personally. Stay tuned the next couple of days, and you'll be sure to get one or both of those. Until next time We're sending all the love and then somewhere. We'll talk tomorrow