Dec. 6, 2023

250. {Rune Series 18} Berkano - Healing

250. {Rune Series 18} Berkano - Healing
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100 Ways

Berkano is the 18th Rune in the Elder Futhark. I represents the Birch Goddess or Dryad and its energy is that of creating and sustaining. It is the feminine principle that heals all because it creates all.

"Everything is right the way it is right now," is a quote by Jared, who texted that to me one night.
Music by Oleksii Kaplunskyi from Pixabay

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Welcome to another Odin's day, Wednesday. The room that we'll be looking at today is called McConnell. McConnell means Birch and it symbolizes the Birch goddess or the dry end of the Birch. Day one beer Cano feels like I'm filled with life. T Wells fills me with courage and burkana. Nano as a sense of readiness to give. To share out into the world to birth this new life. Day number two. is the beginning and to the end of all things. is the thread running through everything. It is the source from which all life Springs. It is the spring in which all I flows. It is the essence of all. It is the essence of life itself. It is the miracle that life is. Connecting tuber Connell is connecting to the goddess. Day three. The source is inside. It's the notion of let things come to you. It only works when you are fully inside yourself and not reaching or grasping. It's not just, don't be attached. It's literally not having any energy out there. Not thinking about things and calculating, justifying, analyzing. It's literally do the work of pooling your consciousness back to where it truly belongs, which is within you. That's where we're Cano. The spring of life and vitality is. That's where it is for you. The number four. Burkana represents the energy that gives life because it is life. So while it's the Pronto that we receive from our breath. It is not only in the breath. That is sort of like the soul animator Prada that we need when we're in a body. But this life exists also outside the breath. It's literally everywhere, but in a body, we need it a certain way. So it packages itself in that way. The number five. Where there's life and where there is the potential for life. There is beer Connell. Day six. The touch of the goddess is unlike anything. The vigor and vitality, the joy to be alive. That is what beer Cano is. Bear Cano. Is the joy to be alive. It is the pulse of energy running through you, running through all things. Bear Cano is life itself. Day seven. If you had no faith in the giver of life, you would never exhale. But you must exhale in order to let go of the part of you, which husband used up spent so that each breath. You become again. But you must exhale in order to let go of the part of you, which has been used up or spent. So that each breath you become again. We are all always becoming. Day eight. We are Cano is the Birch. Birch trees are so life-giving that their bark burns even when wet their wood is so dense that once it burns, it burns for a long time. Mercado is a starter and sustainer. As it was a woman. The Birch of SAP makes sweet, sweet syrup. As a woman. Bear Cano points to where there is most life in a situation. What option contains the most life. Bear Connell is life herself. The number nine. Bear Cano is constant. We are not. The more, we are home and connected to the ever present pool of life. The more constantly nourished we are. Not because of your condos giving more, the closer we get, but because we simply receive more, the closer we are. And burkana, isn't the kind of energy that is ever too much. She's the goddess. She is life. When you're a full up, you become her and she becomes you and flows in and out and to, and from you. I'd love to hear what you think about this energy of bear Cano. It's this. Beautiful healing energy. It's the energy that is always present. It begins to sustains it as the goddess energy, the energy of the divine feminine. That is always there nurturing, giving. Allowing being it's simply. There. And when we access that within ourselves, we become magnetic. Two. What we need. Go to buy me a 1 0, 0 ways to support the show or book yourself a session with me. Until next time. I'm sending all the love and then some more. We'll talk tomorrow.