Dec. 13, 2023

257. {Rune Series 19} Ehwaz - Partnership

257. {Rune Series 19} Ehwaz - Partnership
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100 Ways

Ehwaz is the 19th rune in the Elder Futhark. It symbolizes trust and partnership. 

"Everything is right the way it is right now," is a quote by Jared, who texted that to me one night.
Music by Oleksii Kaplunskyi from Pixabay

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It's Wednesday again. Odin stay. We are celebrating the rune. He was. I was means horse. The room symbolizes. Partnership marriage union. So, this is an interesting. Rune and an interesting energy. Let's dive in day one. It was, is such a joining. It's like a new entity. That's why it represents marriage, but it was itself only represents the ingredients for a happy and healthy marriage or partnership of any kind. Two parties, secure and healthy, choosing to join forces to make both stronger. The horse is the symbol because alone the horse is mighty powerful, beautiful, but on focused. The human is determined and resilient together. They create a paved path of purpose. But they must come together in mutual respect and with a common interest or there is no true partnership. Day number two. What if we partnered with the universe? What if we chose to see it this way? Not, uh, it's back into call. Uh, victim, but it's partner. We need the universe and the universe needs OSS. Not to complete each other, but to expand each other. To expand in each other's presence. I am in the universe. So the universe expands. The universe is in me. So I expand. Day three. When to join together, it creates an entity that is greater than the two separate added up. Because it's not separate anymore. It's a partnership. The relationship changes each part. No, both are greater than they were before. Partnering. This is true in all relationships because of the lessons learned wisdom gained. Wisdom which says, yes, this partnership shall remain. Or it's time, this partnership dissolves. The two halves are still more than they were before. Day four. This rune, stave looks like two people holding hands. We walk this path together. It can also look like they're facing each other. Each holding both of the other's hands. It's a joining a joint venture and agreement. It is a bond of trust. Be mindful what you're each trusting in. Make sure it matches. Day number five. Trust is the foundation of every relationship. Self-trust comes first. If self-trust doesn't exist. Then how can one trust that the relationship is best for oneself? If there's no trust within any trust without is empty. If a partnership dissolves trust within it is not a partnership. It becomes an ownership. The number six. True partnership is not dependence. It is reliability. Trust is built from reliability, not dependence. Dependence weekends, reliability empowers. Dependence. We'll never build an equal partnership. Day seven. And partnership. You discover your wholeness. It could be discovered from giving too much away. You discover where you feel lack because you want or need it to come from the other. There is no other. And this, you find wholeness. The eight. If you want to go far and fast, go together. The nine partnership is always happening when there are two people sharing space. It doesn't matter if it's wanted or not. It happens. The energy's collide and switch places. And you are in partnership in this moment. How are you going to experience this moment? Are you elevating this moment for someone or are you adding another kind of energy? Either way. Growth happens for both. Partner first with self and elevate from there. From self, there is only elevation, no matter the form. That is a Wass. It really is inner work. To make a relationship. Work. It takes inner work. It doesn't take work. To make a relationship work. I did an episode with Olivera on the sun. I'll link that in the show notes. I can't remember which number it is, but I'll link it in the show notes for you. It doesn't take work to make a relationship work. Our relationship works when we've done the inner work. On ourselves and we show up. Um, it's ourselves. That's it. Go to buy me a 1 0 0 ways. If you'd like to book yourself a session with me, we can read the runes. Or do a coaching session. You can also support the show at the same web address. Buy me a 1 0 0 ways. And until next time I'm sending you all the love and then some more. We'll talk tomorrow.