Jan. 1, 2024

273. Tarot Card for January: The Fool

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100 Ways

Our Tarot Card for January is the best one for starting anything! Wow, I am SO excited to see what's in store for us this year. Do you have any particular dreams or visions? 

I want to grow a garden this year, of vegetables and herbs, and maybe some flowers or other amazing things.

All I have to do - is do it. And whatever it is you're dreaming about... all you have to do, is do it, too. We got this!

Kim Krans deck: The Wild Unkown Tarot. It's awesome.

"Everything is right the way it is right now," is a quote by Jared, who texted that to me one night.
Music by Oleksii Kaplunskyi from Pixabay

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I just legit squealed a little cause I am beyond. Thrilled. About the card I drew for. January or I'm going to say the card we drew for January, because this is a collective effort here. Your energy was just as present as mine, even though I was the one shuffling the cards. Are you ready for this? We got the zero. We got the card. From which all other cards spring. We got the fool. Can we just say I just shared, oh my gosh. That writing that I had, where we dive in. With eyes closed and heart open and see what we find. That's the energy of the fool. Don't worry. The fool is not foolish. The fool is not naive. The fool appears to be. But you have to have a sense of childlike innocence in order to take. Risks. And so actually live. Here we are. We have this human life. We can stay stuck in fear. Or we can close our eyes, open our heart, dive in and find out. Um, I'm all for that. I was always the card is drawn from Kim crowns, the wild, unknown taro. And this is what the fool says in the book. I mean, I just told you what the energy is. So take what resonates with you from any of it. And. Let's dive into January. Spontaneity and in a sense. Just to give you an idea. The fool is a picture of a little duckling on a branch. The fool is ready to fly his young wings ache for flight. And with a single step, he leaves behind the comfort of the nest to begin the journey through the major Arcana. The major Arcana. Are the cards in the tarot dock that basically follow the fool's journey. The hero's journey. I mean, Starting with the fool. Is he ready? Will he fall? This is a card. About beginnings. It points to the side of you that is spontaneous excited. Naive. And inexperienced. Others may doubt your abilities. Be ready to be called the fool. Be ready to fall. No matter what people say about you, this is your journey. And it's already been gone. Points to the side of you. That is spontaneous and excited and naive and inexperienced. Yeah, I can see that. We have to have a little bit of that negativity and that inexperienced ness. Or we wouldn't do anything would be. If we've already experienced it, there's no sense in diving into it again. Cause we already know. So we've got to have that. Inexperienced deadness of whatever the next thing is. And we always do. We always do. We're always moving forward. We haven't experienced today yet. Have we? Only part of it. We haven't experienced the next part. oh my God, this is the most exciting thing. Please go to Laura, christine.us. And let me know what you think of this card. And if you are ready to dive in with eyes closed, heart open. And see what we find. Until next time I am sending you. All the love and then some more. We'll talk again.