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On this fine may morning.
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This month, we are invited to remember that although to spring and it is time to blossom and shine and.
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Use the energy that's building to.
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go out into the world.
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It's also important to balance that with a bit of hermiting.
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I pulled a card for us from call it barren reads., Spirit animal Oracle.
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And the sweet little animal who would like to help us with.
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Hermiting this may.
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It's gunk.
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I don't know if you've ever seen a skunk in person that's not dead on the road.
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They are so cute.
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They're a lot like cats, which I suppose is why popular pew is.
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Following a cat around, but oh my gosh.
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They're so cute.
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Let's look and see what skunk spirit has to say for us.
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Know your worth.
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What do you value?
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What do you believe in.
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Is your best, most authentic self on display.
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Skunk spirit comes as a reminder that you can be proud of who you are and what you have accomplished.
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Know your worth.
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Not everyone will agree with you or share your values, but you can walk with your head high.
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Knowing that when you express your integrity, others can feel your authenticity and will be inspired by it.
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Be who you are.
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And if your reputation precedes you.
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You have much to be proud of and skunk spirit wants you to be your best self.
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The true.
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This makes a lot of sense to me as I reflect on the hermit, which is a reminder to go within.
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And focus within.
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Kindle the light inside.
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Bringing ourselves home.
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Into our own bodies into our own energies.
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And from there we can shine.
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It's just perfect.
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It's a reminder that as we're, hermiting get really close and in tune with who you truly are.
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And now the skunk says, Hey, With that confidence of knowing who you are because you do.
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Now go out into the world and you will automatically shine.
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Your quote, unquote sense will precede you, which is great because it's beautiful.
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I hope that you are having a wonderful Mae.
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And if you have any thoughts or ideas to add to the podcast, please reach out.
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You can find me at Laura, Christine dot U S.
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And until next time I'm sending all the love.
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And then some more.
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We'll talk again.