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It seems we have a theme for 2024.
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In the five of wands because the five of wands came back.
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We had this card in March and we now have it again in June.
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last month we were working with the hermit.
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We were working with remembering who we are.
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To know who we are fully and present that out into the world.
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The energies for June.
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Our back to that, scatteredness lack of focused.
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Which is a possibility it's all morning.
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Hey, make sure you're focusing.
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So that you keep everything.
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In alignment with who you really are.
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As always I'm reading from the wild, unknown taro.
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Bye Kim Kranz and the five of ones we're going to review this again is scattered lack of focus, lost.
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The five of wands is a card of conflict.
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You may find yourself scattered, distracted, tending to everything and nothing.
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Since wants deal with our dreams and goals, it usually means this conflict resides within your energy moves, outward in many directions.
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Yet you are suffering inside.
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Take this card as a warning, find ways to bring calm and focus to your mind.
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Or these troubles will only increase.
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Mid-summer is a time where there is a lot of energy moving.
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In all directions in all places, it seems like we're pulled to grad parties over here, weddings over there.
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Family reunions, friends gathering together, going out to the lake.
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There are so many different things that happen in the summer because.
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It's warm enough.
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The sun is out sometimes.
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And there's more light in the Northern hemisphere.
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It is very easy to get pulled away from.
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What we really need to be focusing on for our own inner growth and development, our own inner peace.
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If we could.
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Focus, maybe more on inner peace than in our development, we would develop, but in a way that.
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Actually fulfills us rather than makes this feel like, well, I'm being productive today.
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And I still feel empty.
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I think a lot of people.
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Try, try, try so hard to do so many things.
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We end up feeling like we've done nothing.
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And this card this month, it's a reminder to.
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Bring it back to your breath.
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Bring it back to your present moment.
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I'm thinking of that.
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Little story about the Zen master who's asked how are you, so.
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Calm and centered and enlightened.
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And his response was.
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When I am walking.
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I am walking.
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When I'm eating.
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I am eating.
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When I am sleeping.
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I am sleeping.
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You get the point when I am doing something that is what I'm doing.
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And that means that is exactly what I am focused on.
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I've learned to bring this into my life in the way of.
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When I am somewhere.
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That is the place I want to be.
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Most people go to work.
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Waiting for it to be over.
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I choose every moment of my life to be where I am.
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So when I go to work.
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I am focusing my energy.
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My thoughts.
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Myself on.
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Being at work and doing work to the best of my ability.
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And it baffles people.
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How I keep my spirits up.
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I say it's because I don't want to be anywhere else.
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Right now, this is where I am.
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This is where I want to be.
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This is a really challenging concept, I think, to grasp and to embody and to live.
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It's taken me many years.
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And a lot of fights with FOMO.
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I just realized like, No I'm missing out.
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On my life.
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When I'm in that experience of FOMO about something I'm not doing.
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That means I'm not present.
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To what I am doing.
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Right now.
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It cured my FOMO.
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Oh, you got to go see the full solar eclipse.
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That is amazing.
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Tell me about it.
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And then, you know what happened because I was there with that person when they were explaining it.
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I got to experience it.
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Just like I was there.
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Um, almost just like I was there.
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Is an art.
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It is a science.
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It is a practice to be.
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Exactly where you are.
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How do we practice this?
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But how do we practice awareness?
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For me, the best thing is meditation.
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Meditation, whether it's moving meditation, whether it's silent meditation, whether it's a breathing meditation, whether it's active meditation, like Kundalini yoga.
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Do something.
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With the intention and that holds within it, the intention.
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Of bringing yourself back to the present moment.
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Knowing that you're going to get polled.
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Knowing that your minds are going to wander off.
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And so the people that you met the other day and the dinner that you want to have, or the party you're throwing next week, whatever.
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You're going to get pulled away and scattered, but bring it back.
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So practice.
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Coming back to this moment through.
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A practice.
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That holds within it, that intention.
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I would love to hear what your practices for this.
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You can reach me at Laura Christine dot.
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I know I didn't go over last month's card this time, but you are more than welcome to go back and listen to that episode to get the energies.
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Of, I think it was the hermit and find out how you did re kind of re-evaluate reflect.
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And let's move forward.
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In focus.
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From here.
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Until next time I'm sending all the love and then some more we'll talk.
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As soon.