June 15, 2024

291. What Cats & Dogs Teach Us: Mid-Month Check-in (June 2024)

291. What Cats & Dogs Teach Us: Mid-Month Check-in (June 2024)
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100 Ways

We're working with FOCUS this month, and our pets have so much to say!

  • Be where your feet are
  • Be loyal to what you love
  • Love is a FEELING

Let me know what you take from this! 

Thank you, Collette Baron-Reid for your beautiful Spirit Animal Oracle deck. 

"Everything is right the way it is right now," is a quote by Jared, who texted that to me one night.
Music by Oleksii Kaplunskyi from Pixabay

Email Me: https://laurachristine.us/contact or LC@laurachristine.us
Support our show: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/100ways

Facebook: https://facebook.com/laurachristine808
Instagram: https://instagram.com/diggingdandelions


00:00:00.127 --> 00:00:07.956
Greetings it is our mid month check-in and we are working with the energy of the five of ones this month, June 20, 24.

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Or perhaps you are, whenever you are hearing this episode.

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The five of wands is all about focus.

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It's all about a reminder to be where your feet are, where are you?

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Where's your head?

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Where are your thoughts?

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Because, wherever your thoughts go, that's where your energy goes.

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And if you're not.

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Where your feet are.

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Right now.

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Other energies other people can come in and basically you just.

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Control your life.

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Rather than.

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You controlling your life.

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I used to be very worried about what other people thought.

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And that translated.

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Down the line into being married to somebody who I thought I needed to help make feel okay.

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I had gotten to a place in myself where I was very content.

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I was still.

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Hoping that I could change the world by helping other people become as content as I am.

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What I'd still love to do that.

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Of course, that's why I'm going into mental health counseling.

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Which is a whole thing that is not.

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Being married to somebody.

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Or being in a romantic relationship with somebody.

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So this person would be very, very stressed out all the time and negative and.

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Annoyed with life and basically held this victim mentality.

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I would try to do my best to show him another way.

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How can I make.

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This person feel better.

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But I was neglecting the fact.

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That now all my energy was focused on him and making his life better.

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That mine sucked.

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Because I was being manipulated.

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I was not in a place that I deserve to be.

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Being treated like shit.

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That's a pretty extreme example.

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But just think about it.

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Where are you right now?

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If you are driving to work, what are you thinking about?

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Are you thinking about the fact that you're going to be working and you're dreading it, or are you thinking about the fact that you're on your way to work and that's just where you are and it's going to be awesome.

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Are you thinking about, oh, I wish I were at home right now.

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When you are at work.

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do you bring your work home with you?

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Sometimes that is very easy to do.

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Just bring it on home with you.

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And let it dictate the rest of your day.

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So be where your feet are.

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That is the focus for this month.

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And then for the mid-week check-in I had two cards from Colette Baron reads The spirit animal Oracle.

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Duck pop out.

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Now, these animals are all wild, except she included cat and dog.

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In her deck as well.

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Both cat.

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And dog popped out.

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So I'm thinking, all right, if you do have a pet, I don't have a pet at the moment.

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But if you do have a pet.

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use the fact that you have a pet to get where your feet are.

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Help them remind you.

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Of presence.

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I'm thinking about cats.

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They are.

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Always present aren't they.

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They're usually lounging.

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Are shifting.

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Or sleeping.

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We're scratching at you because they want you to pet them.

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Only a particular number of times before they scratch at you a little harder.

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Or maybe bite.

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They know who they are.

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Uh, cat knows.

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It's a cat.

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That is absolute fact.

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I've never had.

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So I can't speak.

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About them as much.

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However, people who do have dogs certainly see that they.

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Just play.

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Dogs are just where they are.

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They're always ready to go.

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You stand up to use the bathroom or something, and they're like, Can I come.

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They're always just.

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Ready for whatever is happening.

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Cats are just lounging through it.

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We can utilize both of these energies in our lives.

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Maybe one more than the other, some days maybe.

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Let's read about what they say in this little book, just to get a little bit more focused.

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Again, this is by Colette Baron Reed.

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It's called the spirit animal Oracle.

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Kat spirit says, claim your independence.

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I will note.

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Last night.

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On the stage, June 15th.

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So June 14th.

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Was my last day.

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At home Depot.

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As customer experience manager.

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I quit the job, not because I was unhappy, but because something else came along, that was a better fit for where I'm going with my life.

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So it was very interesting.

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Cat spirit, number 13, the goddess number, claim your independence.

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One cat spirit mouse.

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She is calling you to claim your independence and allow for some space between you and others in your life.

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The only way you can grow in all your relationships now is to have a healthy sense of self-respect and self-worth.

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When you walk with dignity, knowing who you are, self-aware and willing to grow, trusting the value you bring.

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The world will mirror all of this back to you in kind.

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When you say no to codependency and enmeshment live and let live and practice taking risks as you wander into new territory for you.

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Cat spirit rejoices.

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She is here to urge you to let your independent spirit roam free.

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That is so directly aligned with the example that I gave you about being in that manipulative codependent.

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Kind of relationship.

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Give yourself some space.

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I get where your feet are, reign your energy in.

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Get your energy out of over there.

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Bring it in.

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Let your independent spirit room free.

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There's a protection message.

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And I'll share both of them as well for the cat.

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It says this may be the time you are facing some unpredictable situations.

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Are you hesitant to take a risk too cautious to jump into something new because you fear you can't trust yourself.

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Cat spirit is saying, go for it because you will land on your feet.

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If nothing seems to be going according to plan, there is no reason to worry.

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Kat spirit loves to mix it up.

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And these seeming upsets will actually bring you some wondrous and unexpected opportunities.

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Get ready to pounce.

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As you may be called to jump into something new at a moment's notice.

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At this time.

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Your instincts are keen and your intuition is sharp.

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Even a temporary failure can lead to a spectacular success.

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So embrace the adventure.

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You are surefooted and can trust yourself.

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Let that one soak in for just a moment.

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And then let's hear what the dog spirit wants to tell us.

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Dog's spirit says be loyal to what you love.

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Dog's spirit appears to remind you that although change is a part of life and all of us are meant to evolve.

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Our love and commitments remain strong.

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You were loved know and can trust that this higher love is true.

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Spirit loves you.

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And love has arrived in many forms.

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Now manifesting in the people you surround yourself with expressed uniquely through them.

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Dog's spirit also says be true to that, which you love for now is a time of good fortune.

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The study, as you recognize that people and things are always transforming your heart is loving and true.

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And dog spirit wants you to know that your steadfast commitment to experiencing and expressing love will attract and manifest more.

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You deserve all of it.

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Have faith and spirits plan for you.

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Once again.

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This is another aspect of getting your energy out of over there.

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Into your heart, into your fueling of love.

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Love is a feeling.

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Think about it.

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Love is a feeling.

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It's not really an action.

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It's how you feel about.

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Somebody something.

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Love as a feeling, get your energy.

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Out of over there.

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They're not going to love you.

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They're going to feel love.

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When they're with you when you feel love within yourself, the protection message here.

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From dog.

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Loyalty to people and situations can turn into attachment that results in stagnation and measurement and loss of integrity.

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Do you fear what will happen if you let a relationship evolve?

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Are you afraid that asking for a situation to change will make others see you as this loyal?

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Trust that one dog spirit appears you are meant to accept the turning of the wheel of life and the changing of fortunes.

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If you feel you are being betrayed or growing apart from someone.

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Let dog spirit reconnect you with your commitment to love in all its forms.

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Perhaps the relationship is meant to evolve.

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Perhaps you are meant to evolve.

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As well, so that you can experience the growth for which your soul learns.

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Your greatest loyalty is to love.

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So be open to all its many guises, including self-love.

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You deserve the best.

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And that is what spirit wants for you.

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I'm going to reiterate this, get your energy out of over there.

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This is a direct quote from my friend Olivera.

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Come back to where your feet are.

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Come back to your body.

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Right now and right here.

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And let yourself feel.

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For life itself.

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For the fact that you're breathing.

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For the fact that you have a body to come back to.

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And let that feeling be what is reflected back to you from the world?

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Because it is what.

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You're vibrating.

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You don't have to do.

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You will do things.

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But the doing will come from that place of feeling.

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From that place, the feeling at home in yourself.

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And then your actions will align with that love.

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And with that sense of feeling at home.

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So claim your independence as the cat suggests, claim your independence, come back to you.

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And then as the dog suggests.

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Be loyal.

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To that, which you love.

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That which makes you feel.

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Love within yourself.

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When you're independent.

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And your energy is here at home with yourself.

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You can feel what feels like love.

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And let it flow.

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Thank you so much for being here with me.

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I can't wait to talk to you again.

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Until then I'm sending all the love, all the love, like all of it.

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And then some more.

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We'll talk again.