Aug. 15, 2024

295. Crow Message: Mid-August Check-in 2024

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100 Ways

How do you co-create with spirit? Recognize you are spirit, you are whole and complete within yourself, and let what YOU are unfold within and around you under grace in beautiful, divine, and magical ways.

Crow spirit has some hints as well.

Let me know what comes up for you. 

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Has already the middle of August.

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How are you doing with the energy of the father of Pentacles?

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Which is that.

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Masculine structure.

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That will support the feminine flow.

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How are you doing there?

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Do you feel like you have enough structure in your life?

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Do you feel like you're a little overboard in structure?

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Where is the balance?

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And Crowe is here to remind us.

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To co-create with spirit.

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So this is.

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Again, a balance of that sort of a masculine.

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All right, setting myself up.

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I'm going to do this with the logic and the plans and everything like that.

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And then also the feminine receptivity of.

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What is it that spirit wants?

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To pull through me to create.

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And what is it that I'm just attached to?

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Can I surrender to that?

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Spiritual flow.

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And allow that to be what flows through me as I create this masculine structure for my life as well.

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It's a challenge.

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Our culture is not really set up for that.

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However, when you're able to do it.

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It really works.

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As always.

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I am sharing this from the spirit animal, Oracle by Colette Baron Reed.

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And CHRO's message is exactly this.

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As you look around you.

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Can you sense the magic that pulses through the world?

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Have you witnessed how every thought can become a thing.

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However intention can call the universe into action as the sacred laws shape what you experience.

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The universe works in perfect order.

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When you align your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs with spirit.

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You will want to Crow with delight, feeling the excitement and wonder of being in harmony with something much larger than yourself.

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CRO spirit says you are right on target now to see your dreams magically come into being in the visible world.

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The laws of abundance compensation, frequency, and praise are operating in your favor now.

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Remember to be grateful and praise.

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What is yours?

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Even if it is still coalescing into form.

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Still residing in the invisible realms of co-creation.

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No matter what area of your life you're concerned with now.

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What you hope for is on its way for spirit is your co-creation partner.

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When you're truly surrendered to your own divinity.

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No longer want.

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Not saying you never desire anything anymore, ever.

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But it's a different kind of desire.

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It's not a desire to fulfill you.

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It's not a desire because you're lacking something.

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You actually feel full in yourself when you're fully surrendered to your divinity?

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And to who you truly are as a person, as a human, as a being right now.

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That is the first step in co-creating.

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Remember who you are.

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Come home to yourself.

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All of the stuff out there is probably a program.

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That is running by society to tell you you need it in order to be full and whole and complete in yourself.

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And it's not true.

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What's true is you are full and whole and complete in yourself.

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And when you tune into that, Then the things.

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Out there.

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Seem to sort of come into form, but really what you're doing is you're acting from that home base.

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That you are in your wholeness.

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And you're seeing your outer world reflect that.

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So it's no longer a chasing after or grasping or reaching for rather.

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It is, I am fully in my presence.

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And what I am.

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As unfolding.

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Within me and around me.

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Under grace and perfect and divine and beautiful ways.

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I feel that, and maybe write it down when you get a chance to.

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I am fully in my presence.

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And what I am.

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Is unfolding within me and around me.

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Under grace in perfect divine.

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And beautiful ways.

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See what comes up for you?

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And either hold it close.

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And your heart.

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If that feels most right to you.

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Or if you'd like a neutral and positive and loving and accepting.

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Person to hold that vision with you feel free.

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Please email me.

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The two letters, L N C at Laura,

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Until next time I am sending all the love.

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And then some more.

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We'll talk soon.