Sept. 3, 2024

296. Tarot Card for September: Hierophant (2024)

296. Tarot Card for September: Hierophant (2024)
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100 Ways

What is teaching you this month? Dive into the parts of your consciousness you haven't seen yet. They're not hidden, you just haven't looked yet.

Tarot card from Kim Krans, The Wild Unkown Tarot.

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I know it's a little late, but I am here with.

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The taro card for September 20, 24.

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The energy that we are growing into and working with this month.

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We have the Hierophant.

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From Kim crowns, the wild, unknown taro.

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This card means mentor.

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Seeking knowledge.

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In its simplest form, the Hierophant represents a mentor or a teacher.

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This card signifies a hunger for knowledge.

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Whether it is in the practical or the spiritual realm.

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You've come as far as you can on your own.

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Now it's the time to deepen your practice.

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Don't hesitate.

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Join a class, go to a workshop.

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Don't be afraid of new experiences.

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A new ceremony or ritual may prove to be both comforting and rewarding.

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Open your heart.

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And your teacher will soon appear.

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And let's not get caught up on the specifics of what that teacher might look like.

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This can be.

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Uh, situation.

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This can be a person.

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A relationship.

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Something in your work.

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Something random that happens on the street.

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Life is a teacher.

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The picture on this card is pretty cool.

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This Raven is sitting on a key.

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And there's a lightning bolt.

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The Raven.

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Consider what that brings up for you?

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What does the key mean?

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What does the lightening mean?

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What does the Raven Mean.

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For you.

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Use what you have to dive deeper into your own.

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Find the parts of your consciousness that you haven't found yet?

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They're not hidden.

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You just haven't.

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Looked in their direction.

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And I'll include as a mental health counselor in training.

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It may help to explore your consciousness with.

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Another person who's trained to do just that.

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Maybe that is a counselor.

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Maybe it's not, maybe it's somebody who.

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Has a lot of experience in Eastern spiritual practices or indigenous Spiritual practices.

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Find what resonates with you.

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And let yourself be humbled.

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And let yourself.

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Be enamored.

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With the complexity of your own.

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Brain consciousness.

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Being ness.

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Be curious about.

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All the different waves.

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God is manifesting through you.

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Be mindful of how you're showing up for yourself.

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And then.

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How you're responding to the ways you show up for yourself.

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I have to quote captain Jack Sparrow here.

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From pirates of the Caribbean.

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the problem is not the problem.

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Your attitude about the problem.

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Is the problem.

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See what you can do to shift.

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The attitude.

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I'm a piece of shit.

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Something more like I'm a human being.

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And that means I mess up.

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That doesn't mean I'm a mess up.

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It just means that I do things.

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That I mess up or I do things that are messed up.

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But I am.

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Just human, just to God, just God in manifest form.

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I'm just what I am.

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And that's okay.

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I would love to hear what things come up for you or what maybe has come up for you in your more recent past.

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To guide you.

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And be a mentor for you, be a teacher for you.

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Is it a person?

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A place.

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And experience and idea.

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What is it?

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That is drawing you closer to your own soul.

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Until next time I'm sending all the love and then some more.

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We'll talk again soon.