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Greetings this is 100 ways and it's really a reminder.
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That there's not only one way to do everything.
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And we probably don't know.
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Much of anything at all.
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But that life is a really fun adventure and self.
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Reflection and introspection makes it an even Wilder and more exciting ride.
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So we are looking at.
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This month's theme of learning.
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the Hierophant.
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Idea is to learn from not only people, but experiences.
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Maybe find a mentor.
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Talk through things, write in your journal, make every.
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Interaction a learning opportunity.
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So who's here to help us from the animals.
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I love this.
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This is from call it beer and reads the spirit animal Oracle.
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And I drew pig spirit for our mid September.
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The message here is use your mind wisely.
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Pig spirit appears to remind you of the right use of intelligence, a gift we all have that is meant to be used with love, compassion, and discernment.
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Intelligence means recognizing the value of intuition, partnered with smarts and common sense, which leads to intelligent solutions.
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When pig spirit appears you are called to respect your analytical mind and use it for the highest good.
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Recognizing that all facts must be considered even when they do not fit with what you know, already.
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Spirit blesses us with wisdom.
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When we allow pig spirit to nudge us into open-minded thoughtful dialogues, whether with others or internally as we Maul over our ideas and what we have come to understand.
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You are intelligent and capable of clear minded thinking shaped by the wisdom you have accumulated and the intuition that will tell you when you have more learning to do, because not all facts are in.
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Now as the time that your decision making powers are reliable.
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For you are in alignment with pig spirits, keen intelligence.
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How fitting is that for the Hierophant?
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Does opportunity to look at systems and belief structures, both external and internal to see really where they align with our truth.
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Essence of being.
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Definitely love this aspect as it relates to where I'm at with school.
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I am studying clinical mental health counseling.
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And one of my courses, this term is in diversity in my multicultural competence, or really the better term that they've discovered.
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And I agree is multicultural curiosity.
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Because saying that you're competent in anything is saying that you already have a full understanding of it, which is so white.
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and such an American viewpoint, and it's allowing this opening.
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And also the allowance of you don't have to have it all figured out.
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Before you can start.
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That's I think one of the reminders that pig wants to bring in.
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Is that you don't have to have it all figured out before you start, but state open.
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To learning more as you go, because the thoughts that we think right now might be absolute truth in our minds, but then something's going to happen.
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Something's going to shift.
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We're always evolving.
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So something's going to shift and that very belief might.
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Turn completely upside down and inside out.
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If you're not aware of the fact that that is happening all the time, all around us.
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It can be really stimulating to the nervous system and very difficult to.
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But when we recognize that not everything is known ever.
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Our decisions are made based on the best information we have at present.
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And we remain flexible to change.
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Where and when we need to change.
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I'd love to hear how this month is going for you and what you think about pig spirits.
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So please contact me at Laura Christine dot.
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You can reach me on the contact page.
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It's also LC at Laura,
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And until next time I'm sending all the love and then some more.
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We'll talk again soon.