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Welcome to the middle of October this month, we are.
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Honoring our introvertedness our need for solitude.
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Our diligence in working behind the scenes and aunt spirit is here.
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To tell us how to sort of lean in to this.
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In another way.
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And spirit.
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Time to collaborate.
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Before I dive in, I want to give credit to call it Baron Reed who wrote the animal spirit, Oracle.
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Doc and guidebook.
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The Oracle message from the aunt is.
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When Ann spirit comes to visit.
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It's to celebrate the benefits of working in a partnership with others as part of a community or tribe.
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Spirit reminds you that to build your dream, you need to work with others.
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Accept, help, and trust in your most important partnership.
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The one you have with spirit.
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Your intentions will come to fruition.
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If you remain awake and focused on co-creating.
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Your reality with others and with spirit.
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Remember that the world around you can easily seduce you.
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If you don't have some sort of practice or discipline, like meditation to keep you on track, as you build the life you desire.
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Connecting with others and having accountability partners can be very helpful.
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As it's unlikely that everyone will fall asleep at the same time.
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The other message and spirit holds is that you are now at an auspicious time to ask for help and receive it.
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Whether you need help assembling a team, finding a new tribe.
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Or requesting assistance from others who are there for you.
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Everything is working to support you right now.
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I really love the balance here.
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We're in Libra season.
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And while we are tuning in.
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And being mindful of.
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The logistical aspects of what we need.
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And allowing ourselves to be.
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In that space of solitude so that we can hear our inner voiced.
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Let's not forget.
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That oftentimes.
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Well, every time we need.
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Assistance from others.
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Our inner voice will let us know that.
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Listen to where.
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You truly need others.
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And discern that from aware you're craving.
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Something from others that you're not able to give to yourself.
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Such as validation.
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You might be in lonely.
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And thinks that having somebody else there's going to make it better.
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But I'm going to quote, Hafiz and read.
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Or recite, I guess, a poem.
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To remind us that it is okay to feel lonely sometimes.
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Don't surrender your loneliness so quickly.
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Let it cut more deep.
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Let it ferment and season you as few human or even divine ingredients can.
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Something missing in my heart tonight has made my eyes so soft.
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My voice so tender.
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My need of God.
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Absolutely clear.
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So remember.
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As we are in that space of solitude sometimes.
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We're actually creating a stronger connection.
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With God universe source.
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Our own intuition.
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Which will then lead us.
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To having stronger and more truthful and authentic relationships.
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With other people and all of those around us.
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I'd love to hear what you think about aunt Spirit's message for us.
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You can reach me at elsie.
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The letters, L N C.
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At Laura,
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Until next time I am sending all the love and then some more.
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We'll talk soon.