IMPORTANT - please share with everyone. You don't know who needs this. Abuse is hidden, and people don't realize what it even is. This is highly informative and fascinating at the same time. Thank you, Tena!! ABUSE HOTLINE: h...
What is really happening chemically in our bodies and brains when we are constantly under stress in relationship? This is the more physical reason it's so hard to leave! What do you think? Thank you, Tena!! Participate in the...
Licensed Therapist, Tena Roethle, and I discuss why it's so hard to leave a relationship even when you know it's not good for you to be in it. Spoiler alert: it's not your fault! What do you think of this? Can you relate? Par...
When you're having the feeling like either nothing is working, or nothing is happening, listen to this. A quote from one of my favorite movies is this: "There is never NOTHING going on." -Socrates in Peaceful Warrior. What re...
If it doesn't feel like freedom, it's anything but love. Period. What do you think about this? Participate in the 100 Ways Community: Email Me: or Send a voice message: C...
Another prayer! A quiet meditation - use anytime you feel too hurried. (So like, nearly every day). :) What is your favorite prayer? Or what did this one bring up for you? I'd love to know. Participate in the 100 Ways Communi...
I thought it was an opportunity to become more compassionate, more understanding, more forgiving -- and I wanted to be enlightened or something, figuring that was how to do it. That's why I got in and stayed in for so long. V...
How does this quote from Anais Nin make you feel? I feel a sense of purpose and duty to live the life that is already mine. Participate in the 100 Ways Community: Email Me: or LC@laurachristi...
From the depths of emotion, Duh arises. Sandi felt it one morning and messaged in to share it. Share your voice, and your Duh, with us: Participate in the 100 Ways Community: Email Me: https://laurachris...
Do we have free will? How do you interpret this question? My mind goes to, "Who is the doer?" Olivera's went to conscious creating. Where does yours go? Participate in the 100 Ways Community: Email Me: https://laurachristine....
Do we have free will? What do you think? It sounds, according to this poem by Hafiz, that maybe we.. don't? But then what about all the ... you name it? Do you think you have free will? If not, why do we even bother about any...
What feelings, what shamefulness, what COURAGE, what...kink?... came up as I left my toxic partnership? YOU WILL BE VALIDATED IN THIS EPISODE! Please share with anyone who has ever experienced shame. (That's everyone my frien...
Self-trust is something we all struggle with - until we don't. Ethan's story of his experience with this particular Rinpoche is an example of deep trust in oneself. This episode felt like a spiritual transmission to me. Does ...
Gnarled eyeball mystery revealed. Ethan goes to meet a real Rinpoche and learns some stuff. It's not what you'd expect, though. The real lesson comes tomorrow, but you HAVE to hear about the eyeball and get the setup today. T...
I never in a million years thought I'd ever say, "I'm inviting you to pray with me." But that's what happens when you commit to publishing a podcast for 1000 days in a row. Content comes out of everywhere! Thank you, once aga...
Another angle of prayer and meditation. This is closer to what I think I meant when I said "Prayer is projection and Meditation is reception." What do you think? Participate in the 100 Ways Community: Email Me: https://laurac...
Ethan, Jared, and I discuss the difference between prayer and meditation. There is no clear conclusion. Please add to the conversation! We need it!!! Thank you, Jared & Ethan (the Bennington Boys)!! Participate in the 100 Way...
Manifestation gets easier when your 6th body is strong. Learn what this means and how to do it in this episode where I talk about the numerology of 6. The numerology I study and practice is from Kundalini Yoga. The number 6 c...
We so often talk ourselves into staying where we are not empowered, and sometimes, it's hard to tell the difference between reconciling and justifying our situation. Olivera and I discuss the difference here. I hope you are a...
A follow-up from Episode 68: - where Ethan, Jared and I shared thoughts on the energetic differences between prayer and meditation. Here's another angle and one that I think was much clearer when I h...
Would you meditate in the middle of a flock of pigeons? Ethan FINALLY gets some recognition for meditating in public. The inner experience, which he paints for us with words in spectacular beauty, is the real WIN, though. Als...
What is it like to attend a Buddhist college? What do you do when you meet a Rinpoche? Ethan will tell you in this vividly introspective account of his time in Boudhnath - THE REASON he went to Nepal in the first place. Parti...
A lighter episode about two things I did right after I left my toxic marriage as coping mechanisms. Trees and Tears! Episode referenced: 33. Best Advice for Letting Go of the Past Participate in ...
Revisit May's Tarot card (9 of Wands) and feel into where you're heading this month. it's a good one!! Cards are from Kim Krans deck, The Wild Unknown Tarot. Love it! Participate in the 100 Ways Community: Email Me: https://l...