The number 1 represents the Soul Body according to Tantric Numerology. It's about balancing the head and heart. It's about experiencing life rather than trying to figure it all out. It's about creating time to be creative! "E...
Dagaz is the 23rd rune in the Elder Futhark and means Day - it symbolizes "complete" - as in "whole." Integration, sacred inner union, full embodiment. This rune is the one tattooed on my back, so if I have a …
Life is always expanding - which means it can always get better! There is truly no limit to the joy. I have a new favorite poet: Mary Oliver. Enjoy his poem of hers called In Blackwater Woods. "Everything is right …
Ingwaz (Inguz) is the 22nd rune in the elder futhark. Ingwaz translates to "seed," and the energy of this rune is the masculine aspect of creation. Remember: the mightiest oak was once a little nut that held its ground. "Ever...
Our Tarot Card for January is the best one for starting anything! Wow, I am SO excited to see what's in store for us this year. Do you have any particular dreams or visions? I want to grow a garden …
Look back on every Tarot card we pulled since April for the months of 2023. What energies were strongest in your life? Which brought the most challenging lessons? Three of the 9 months I picked was 4 of Pentacles. Did …
Laguz is the 21st Rune in the Elder Futhark. It's message is, "Be still - you know." Stillness is where we can access our knowing. "Everything is right the way it is right now," is a quote by Jared, who …
Moving forward, I am finishing: 1) Rune Series on Wednesdays - just a few left! 2) I will draw a Tarot card for us at the beginning of each month. 3) I will finish the numerology episodes (Jan 11, Feb …
This is why I write. It's short and sweet and ... it's kinda like I wrote the answer. "Everything is right the way it is right now," is a quote by Jared, who texted that to me one night. Music …
How do you feel about your job or your work? This might be a good episode to hear if you aren't sure you're where you're meant to be. "Everything is right the way it is right now," is a quote …
Here is some of the processing I was doing while at a "pause" in Minnesota for a month in 2022. "Everything is right the way it is right now," is a quote by Jared, who texted that to me one …
It's not about getting anything. It's not even about giving anything. What is life about? .... the answer is inside... this episode! Wooooooo and it's not even 42 today. "Everything is right the way it is right now," is a …
What's best for you is best for your community. Elevate yourself and you elevate the world. Mannaz is the 20th rune in the elder futhark, and one of my favorites! "Everything is right the way it is right now," is …
"... but I haven't been East yet." Imposter syndrome is real - but it's also not real! You're not an imposter, you're a human, just like the rest of us. "Everything is right the way it is right now," is …
I discovered a trigger and this is what it taught me about relating. "Everything is right the way it is right now," is a quote by Jared, who texted that to me one night. Music by Oleksii Kaplunskyi from Pixabay …
Someone lit my home on fire while I was sleeping. Most things we perceive as urgent, important, and dangerous -- just aren't. This is what a real fire is like. "Everything is right the way it is right now," is …
Nervous system regulation is really hard when we're conditioned for survival mode - but it's possible! Our nervous system is our connection to the divine. It's our connection to ourselves. It's our connection to HOME. This is...
What's happening? "Everything is right the way it is right now," is a quote by Jared, who texted that to me one night. Music by Oleksii Kaplunskyi from Pixabay Participate in the 100 Ways Community: Email Me: https://laurachr...
This is a very poignant piece of writing. I know we have all been through the darkness. You'll feel this, and the light beyond the darkness. "Everything is right the way it is right now," is a quote by Jared, …
Ehwaz is the 19th rune in the Elder Futhark. It symbolizes trust and partnership. "Everything is right the way it is right now," is a quote by Jared, who texted that to me one night. Music by Oleksii Kaplunskyi from …
Through the unknown we come to know. There will never be a point in time when anyone knows everything, or even anything. The Universe is constantly changing, expanding, growing, flowing. Let life live for you. "Everything is ...
I often say that the Lightest Path is not necessarily the easiest. Often it is not. This is a glimpse into the part of my journey that was hard. "Everything is right the way it is right now," is a …
A little bit of "The Alchemist" in here. Coming Home means many things. I was surprised to find that by going to where I most feel Home on Earth, I actually literally went "home." You'll hear. "Everything is right the …
It doesn't work lol. I mean you can do it, but it's really a zero sum game. "Everything is right the way it is right now," is a quote by Jared, who texted that to me one night. Music by …