Oops. I screwed up. Whew. No one died for it. Participate in the 100 Ways Community: Email Me: https://laurachristine.us/contact or LC@laurachristine.us Support our show: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/100ways Book a session: h...
4 of Pentacles (Disks, Coins) Stability! Woooo - Wealth is a concept. Let's dive in! We also reflect on the party that was August (4 of Wands). Tarot cards are Kim Krans' "Wild Unknown Tarot." Love it! Participate in the …
Ansuz is all about communication. Communication is multifold and multi-dimensional. This episode will help you listen to spirit and become more intuitive if you follow the message of Ansuz. Participate in the 100 Ways Communi...
"You have sworn an oath to Truth, and you best keep it." So I heard after painting a bindrune in my own blood under the full blood moon in November 2021. What would your life look like if all you …
This is a story of Serendipity and Synchronicity. This is a set-up episode. I hope you can tell how I feel about my car. She is a great part in the adventure I took! We even went to Canada for …
This is liberating. I realized just as I can't make other people understand why I do what I do, I also do not need to understand why others do what they do. I bet I sleep well tonight! What do …
Here's what I do when I can't sleep - which to me is 1000s of times more important than manifesting your destiny. What works for you? Happy sleeping! Participate in the 100 Ways Community: Email Me: https://laurachristine.us/...
3 amazing statements from Florence Scovel Shinn for manifesting Destiny. Which one is your favoite? Participate in the 100 Ways Community: Email Me: https://laurachristine.us/contact or LC@laurachristine.us Send a voice messa...
My favorite Hafiz poem, along with the rest of the best of them! REMEMBER: dance and sing along the way! Life isn't actually serious. This one is called, "No Spot on Earth." Participate in the 100 Ways Community: Email Me: …
Thurisaz is a powerful rune. Here are my two favorite quotes from my journal which you'll hear and receive the vibratory effects when you listen: 1) "You are always either destorying your ego or your dreams." 2) Be the thorn …
Live this affirmation as truth and you will live your purpose. It's so simple. That's it. Participate in the 100 Ways Community: Email Me: https://laurachristine.us/contact or LC@laurachristine.us Send a voice message: Click ...
You do not owe God anything in return for your existence. What do you think of this poem? I love the line about testosterone having taken over the world's holy books. Participate in the 100 Ways Community: Email Me: https://l...
What is it like to be on my podcast? LOL. This. Let me know if you want more behind the scenes glimpses or if one is enough. Participate in the 100 Ways Community: Email Me: https://laurachristine.us/contact or LC@laurachrist...
We need more people like Mike in Mental Health. Here's why. What are your thoughts? What is the most effective way to heal? Participate in the 100 Ways Community: Email Me: https://laurachristine.us/contact or LC@laurachristi...
All Roads Lead to Home, meet Social Justice. My friend Mike and I discuss the energetics and scratch the surface of the reality of social justice. What are your thoughts, ideas, and perspectives? Participate in the 100 Ways C...
This one's for everyone with a beating heart out there! Let me know: laurachristine.us/contact. Participate in the 100 Ways Community: Email Me: https://laurachristine.us/contact or LC@laurachristine.us Send a voice message: ...
Uruz went full circle! All Power Comes from Within to You Have All Power Within You. You DO! How WILL you use it? Participate in the 100 Ways Community: Email Me: https://laurachristine.us/contact or LC@laurachristine.us Send...
This is how to win your life. Everyone is a player in your game. It's your game. Learn from children today. Make up the rules and win it! Participate in the 100 Ways Community: Email Me: https://laurachristine.us/contact or L...
What do you think of this phrase? It helped me release judgment IMMEDIATELY and free myself from its weight. Participate in the 100 Ways Community: Email Me: https://laurachristine.us/contact or LC@laurachristine.us Send a vo...
This is one example of what "The Lightest Path" means and how I knew where to go, what to do, and when to stay. Participate in the 100 Ways Community: Email Me: https://laurachristine.us/contact or LC@laurachristine.us Send a...
Sean and Katie and I discuss meeting Lois and being roommates for nearly 3 months! This is how to flow with life. Participate in the 100 Ways Community: Email Me: https://laurachristine.us/contact or LC@laurachristine.us Send...
Lois is AMAZING and this is MAGIC. We both got what we needed and formed a friendship. And it would never have happened had I not made the decision to have a little courage and ASK. Participate in the 100 …
I get promoted quickly. I didn't expect to be in less than a week!! This is a prime example of what following the Lightest Path leads to - even if the path seems not to make much sense as you …
Fehu is material wealth. Welcome it in! This is the first in a 24 week series on the Runes. Each Wednesday (Odin's Day) I am sharing the wisdom that came through meditations with the Runes in 2021. I look forward …